Hi, I’m Katy, the Decision Lady.
I know my mom is laughing at that sentence. Go on, laugh. No, really, I get it. I know that for most of my life, I haven’t been known for being decisive. My indecisiveness is actually legendary. I agonize. I flip-flop. I opt out of the process entirely and let the people around me decide. I was once so indecisive about whether to eat a bagel or cereal for breakfast that my aunt had to call my mom to ask if I was okay.
Alas, as it turns out, competent adulting requires a LOT of decisions. A constant onslaught. And some of them – no pressure – will change your life forevermore.
After the first of my two daughters was born in 2017, I found myself responsible for more and more decisions. What should we do about childcare? Is she sick enough for the emergency room? What should we name her?? (Neither child was named until after she was born.)
By this time, my career in marketing had drawn me into leadership roles, which grew and multiplied the decisions on my plate. Who should I hire for my team? What marketing campaigns should we run for this new category of products for which we have no baseline information? Which agencies should we contract to run which projects, and what do those projects entail…etc. etc.
It felt like I was always slogging through a swap of unknowns, aimlessly “researching”, changing my mind over and over and over again, unable to commit.
I knew there had to be a better way.
I wanted to know: what does the science say? Why is this so hard? How can I make this process less painful? How can I stop wasting time on decisions that don’t matter? Which decisions matter, anyway? How can I be confident in my decisions – and what makes a decision a good one? How can I be sure I’ll be happy with the results?
I dove in, and created this blog to share my findings.
As I became more confident, the bigger decisions started to become easier. I went vegetarian. I moved my kid to a different preschool. I quit my job.
Have you ever felt the lightness that comes after finally, finally making a choice? The freedom, the peace?
I hope you’ll decide to join me on this journey. Together, we’ll chase the freedom that comes from confident decision-making.
Less agony. More lightness.
On this blog, you can expect:
- Insights into decision-making, and the science behind it – including highlights from the latest research, interviews with experts, and book reviews
- Frameworks for making decisions, including practical tools and templates to help you through the nitty gritty
- Advice for making specific big life decisions, such as career paths and moves
- Info gleaned from my years as a marketer about how people with a vested interest in you deciding a certain way, i.e. buying their products, attempt to affect your decision-making. While I marketed toward other businesses rather than individual consumers and never employed nefarious practices in my roles, I gained a decade+ of deep knowledge into the ways marketers use language, design, and emotion to affect your decision-making.
So let me know…what decision are you facing right now? And how can I help you?